Technologies that improve linguistic intelligence

Technologies that improve linguistic intelligence

As scholar and thinker revolutionized printing in the 15th century, so the computer created a similar revolution today. Over computer networks and databases around the world students have direct access to current information. In every field of knowledge, education transforms as both students and teachers learn to use multimedia technology.

New programs allow children to write or insert graphics in texts like puns like "Wings of Learning", "Muppet Slate. Other programs such as Pine Artist and Creative Writer from Microsoft make it possible to format writing projects in various forms; write words in different shapes and sizes and with different sound effects to accompany. These programs are very motivating for both beginners and more advanced writers.

The increasing number of user-friendly software makes it possible to combine information in different forms, including words, images and sounds. Students can now register, sort and cross information, notes, bibliography and create media relationships to create a learning adventure.

Teachers can develop their own "house" of course, to create databases to link documents to submit presentation preprogrammed with video support, and to enrich their courses with a surplus of technology.

Calculator encourages students to review and to rewrite its composition and thus develop greater fluency and a more efficient style. Copying by hand or by typing often inhibit the correction and revision, but the computer often facilitates these processes and gives students a greater sense of control over what type.

When students see their work in a professional-looking format becomes more interested to study the mechanics and skills which will give the final brightness. Some of the major word processing programs are Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, and Ami Pro for Windows.

Learning typing in primary school today is as important as writing with pen, and learn to use a word processor is just as important for students as to learn to type. Children are encouraged to use these possibilities in communication and collaboration with students, who are away, on a variety of projects through a growing number of electronic networks.

Developing language skills for the entire population can be catalyzed by remarkable new electronic tools for accessing and processing information and communications, learning, and develop intelligence on an unprecedented scale.

The sick child and his relationship with doctors

The sick child and his relationship with doctors

This article presents the main features about the relationship between the child patient and his doctor. As with adult so with child, the disease is part of his life. The adult disease is an epiphenomenon while in case of a child, it is felt differently by him and his family. Child illness introduces new character in a child's life, the doctor with whom he must communicate and establish a new type of relationship. In some cases, the child must even get separated from his family to enter a new, unknown environment which is the hospital.

The "doctor-child "relation has an ambiguous character, which we can highlight through the "draw test "or "the doctor dc game ". In these drawings-value projective test, the doctor is characterized by three elements: the sober suit, hat, black bag. They are accessories attributes of the prestige and authority that embodies doctor. The general appearance is ceremonial, as a dramatization of the medical visit, in terms of the sick child representations.

The second character from the child's drawing-test is the mother, which can be presented in three situations: a) a traumatic and generating anxiety relationship,

b) mother and doctor makes a couple of which the child feels connected,

c) the "parent -doctor couple may be perceived as frustrating; in the sense that the doctor may substitute mother.

In the case of the doctor's game the doctor presents himself in front of the child under three functional aspects: paternal role, maternal role, sexual function.

The paternal role of the doctor is a character that has all the features of paternal power and inspires feelings of fear and obedience of the child. In this case the doctor is experienced as an aggressive character, representing a supreme power.

Maternal role is reduced to the dedicated nurse, protective and secure for the child.

Sexual function is obvious. In psychoanalytic terms, the doctor has a symbolic role fault, dangerous and castrated by the fact that he has the right to see and touch "zones " of the body.

The psychological significance of the disease

The psychological significance of the disease

The disease is not reducible to its precise nature care. Being a suffering it entails a certain "living " and some subjective "approach " of the patient that interests his whole personality.

Suffering is never isolated or unique. It is communicated by the sick people , in order to find an agreement, aid and its remedies.

The communication of the suffering inaugurates the medical act. It establishes the encounter between doctor and patient. For these reasons, suffering is not equivalent to the disease. Suffering is the situation experienced by a patient as his own private, intimate state. The disease is the result of the recognizing of suffering by the physician.

Suffering is inside, while the disease is suffering protrudes objective. On these considerations we must discern, beyond the purely medical aspect of the disease an anthropological dimension. Medical psychology, focusing primarily on the suffering as a verge spiritual phenomenon, will explore, first, the anthropological aspects of it.

The element that summarizes the anthropological dimension of the disease are pathological models, of etiological or therapeutic type. These models are theoretical constructions having an operator character.

The effort to build models of the disease is to identify the presence of a speech, the core of meaning expressed, starting from an etiological or therapeutic option.

The role of heredity and environment in skills training and development

The role of heredity and environment in skills training and development
Heredity is a prerequisite to the emergence of skills, maturation, adaptation to natural and social environment, education and learning.
Environmental or social and cultural requirements continue heredity by construction, acquisition and modeling through learning.
Although skills depend on heredity, they are more closely influenced by environmental factors and education.
For French psychologist Zazzo, heredity comes to the ratio of 1/5 on skills training and environmental factors with a report 4/5.
Interaction between hereditary factors and environmental factors is essential. Inheritance factors serve as conditioning skills. They refer to certain predispositions as:
- morpho-functional features of sense organs,
- nervous system-type,
- plasticity cortex,
- the ability of the cortex to form RC,
- phonation device features,
- features of bone and muscular system.
Hereditary endowment can help or not skills training: in case of low endowment, learning is hindered to a greater extent; in case of high endowment, learning is more help.
Environmental role is to exercise the hereditary potential, leading to the obtaining of performance in various activities, such as personalities with skills in certain areas.